Building Hope In Kenya!

Help BIA reach the women and girls of rural Kenya.

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Building Hope in Kenya!

Beautiful I Am, Inc. has been extended an invitation to participate in the God's Secret Service Agents Foundation (GSSA) mission trip to Kajiado County in Kenya. The main objective of this mission is to conduct educational and uplifting sessions for the women and girls of the Maasai tribe at the newly constructed River of Life Lee & Bryan Community Center. We aim to equip them with powerful tools that will promote their personal growth and development.

However, we cannot achieve this without your support. Please consider donating to our cause and also share it with others who can support us in empowering women in Kenya.

Our Exciting Activities in Kenya

Praise and Paint Party

We will host a vibrant and engaging Praise and Paint party where creativity meets inspiration in a lively, interactive setting. This unique event combines the joy of painting with uplifting praise music, ensuring a memorable experience full of art, song, and communal spirit.

Lock and Key to My Life workshop

The Lock and Key to My Life workshop is a unique and engaging activity designed to empower and rejuvenate participant's spirits. This special event invites people to symbolically lock away the negative thoughts, experiences, and emotions that weigh you down, creating space for positivity and growth. Armed with a lock for participants' burdens and a decorative key for their aspirations, they'll partake in a powerful ceremony of release and intention. We will unlock the doors to our best selves, leaving behind the chains of negativity and stepping forward with keys of hope, resilience, and progress in our hands.

Affirmation T-Shirts workshop

This vibrant session is designed to bring participant's innermost affirmations to life, transforming them into wearable art. We will create a space where each brush stroke and every splash of color on your t-shirt becomes a bold declaration of participants' strengths, dreams, and the unique qualities that make them, themselves.

Beautiful I Am: Self-Esteem Building Workshop

This empowering session is designed to uplift and inspire, guiding participants through a journey of self-discovery and appreciation. Through interactive activities, reflective exercises, and group discussions, they'll explore the roots of self-esteem, challenge negative thoughts, and celebrate your unique qualities and achievements

Discover the incredible journey of the youth we'll be supporting in Kenya through this enlightening video. It offers a glimpse into the lives and aspirations of these remarkable young individuals we're excited to serve during our visit

Topics we will cover!

We have selected several classes from our curriculum and will teach these to the women and girls in attendance. Here are the selected topics we will be covering.
Affirmation Creation and Sharing
Objective: To boost self-esteem and confidence through the creation of personal affirmations that affirm one's values and strengths.
• Goal: Have participants create a list of positive affirmations tailored to their strengths and aspirations and share them with the group, promoting a supportive community atmosphere.

Self-Care Routine Planning
• Objective: To emphasize the importance of regular self-care and help participants develop personalized self-care routines.
• Goal: Assist each participant in creating a weekly self-care plan that includes activities for physical, emotional, and mental well-being, highlighting the importance of self-prioritization.

Body Positivity Workshops
• Objective: To challenge societal beauty standards and encourage acceptance and love for one’s body.
• Goal: Conduct discussions and activities that promote body positivity, aiming to improve body image and encourage self-love regardless of shape, size, or appearance.

Gratitude Journaling
• Objective: To cultivate a mindset of gratitude and positivity by recognizing and appreciating the good in one’s life.
• Goal: Encourage participants to identify and document at least three things they are grateful for each day, fostering a positive outlook and greater self-appreciation.

Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Games
• Objective: To strengthen critical thinking and decision-making capabilities.
• Goal: Utilize games and puzzles that require logical reasoning, analysis, and ethical decision-making, encouraging participants to apply these skills in various aspects of their lives.